.doodledoodlydooodoodledoodlydooo. <body>
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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Okay, update. I know. These people have been pestering me to update my blog. Sheesh. Waitt lar!

I'm f'course back in school, being loaded with 4 heavy modules. 2 dry modules (management in nursing. wth?) with extremely boring lecturers. Boring to the extent that I can't even lull myself to sleep. Cher has to start physically abusing herself in order to survive those lectures. This is bad. =(

Oh well, like it or not I still have to get through it. Several months left till PRCP and graduation (altho, i'm not really looking forward to it) so, bear with it moonie! I went for the NUH interview on Monday. Overall, it was pretty okay (i think) but I couldn't tell for sure if she was pleased with what i was saying. I'm just too politically correct at times. Maybe she felt my answers were 'unreal'? Oh, i don't know. Wait till I hear from them then (if i do hear from them, that is).

Cupid (Greek God of erotic love. woohoo!!) has shot 2 arrows this year (or last year). =) Congratulations peeps. =D Ey cupid, when my turn ar? Haaahaaaha. Just kidding hokay. I'm so not desperate. Listen hor cher. Don't misread/misinterpret my words. Hohohohoho. I'm exactly what the wristband says. =) Heehe.

Jun, biler nak kahwin? Don't forget sambal sotong, prawn, sushi, nasi putih and begedil tau!!

I don't know what to write already. Aiyo, non-conducive environment lar. In the library cafe with Fa (as she waits patiently for mr.lim. hehe). I better go before i die from asphxia.The body odor of the neighbour is overwhelming. Pui!!

2:37 PM